What if Light Yagami Was an Isekai Author?

Yōikoma 117

Yōikoma 第117話 - What if Light Yagami Was an Isekai Author? 「容易 コマ」

Bonus Panel

Yōikoma 第117話 - What if Light Yagami Was an Isekai Author? 「容易 コマ」(BONUS)

Yōikoma 117

This is all in jest. I know writing an Isekai series is not easy work. Hell, I started one and it's been in perpetual limbo for a year and a half now. Crazy.

For anyone wondering...yes, I have every intention on returning to I Can't Believe I Was Reborn in Another World as an Average, Ordinary Rock! Unfortunately, not right now. If it gives you solace, I originally planned on Yōikoma to launch in 2014, and it didn’t actually start for another 3 years.

All in due time...

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